Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Righttop00 Colegio Mayor Nuestra Senora del Rosari Essays

righttop00 Colegio Mayor Nuestra Senora del Rosario Facultad de Jurisprudencia Criminologia Samuel Escobar Beltran Maria Daniella Ordonez Zambrano Mayo 17, 2017. La teoria del aprendizaje social propuesta por Albert Bandura se ha convertido en, quiza, la teoria mas influyente del aprendizaje y el desarrollo. A pesar de estar arraigada en varios de los conceptos basicos de la teoria del aprendizaje tradicional, Bandura creia que el refuerzo directo no podia explicar todos los tipos de aprendizaje, agregando asi un elemento social a su teoria, argumentando que las personas pueden aprender nuevos comportamientos observando a otras personas. Conocido como aprendizaje observacional (o modelado), esta teoria puede ser utilizada para explicar una amplia variedad de comportamientos. Como aprendemos los seres humanos? Los estimulos de refuerzo/castigo claramente condicionan nuestro comportamiento pero no solo respondemos a tales estimulos, tambien los interpretamos. Para ilustrar este principio, consideremos el ejemplo de un nino que recibe un beso cuando guarda sus juguetes; es probable que repita esta accion debido a la recompensa. Sin embargo, si el nino arroja su comida y posteriormente recibe un regano, el nino aprende que tal accion solo genera desaprobacion y modifica su comportamiento como consecuencia porque desea la aprobacion de su madre. Pero esto es solo una faceta del complejo proceso de aprendizaje. No existe una sola definicion de "aprendizaje social" pero las diversas descripciones que hay enfatizan la importancia del dialogo entre grupos para entender mejor los diferentes puntos de vista y desarrollar procesos de accion colectiva y reflexion a lo largo del tiempo. El aprendizaje social y el empoderamiento se basan entre si. El empoderamiento es el proceso de mejorar la capacidad de individuos o grupos para tomar decisiones y transformar esas elecciones en acciones y resultados deseados. El logro de tales resultados no es un proceso unico que se puede planificar y ejecutar externamente, como un campo o un taller, pero es un proceso social que se estructura desde las lineas de actividad, incluyendo la construccion de redes, el dialogo, la gestion del conocimiento y la evaluacion. Se puede acceder a la informacion sobre los diferentes ejes que apoyan el aprendizaje social a traves del indice de "aprendizaje social" de la izquierda. La evaluacion, debido al papel que juega en el fortalecimiento de todas las otras actividades y actividades, se amplia a su propio area tematica en el indice de navegacion. La capacidad social, las redes y la confianza que facilitan esta cooperacion para beneficio mutuo se denominan "capital social". Entre las teorias de aprendizaje actuales han surgido cuatro categorias principales: la conductista, la cognitivista, la humanista y la social. En particular, esta ultima incorpora muchos de los elementos necesarios para producir un sistema practico de cambio pero como toda teoria, esta compuesta de porciones de estudio previo y esta en constante evolucion, la teoria del aprendizaje social fue inicialmente influenciada por las otras tres categorias. Especialmente por las teorias conductistas, haciendo hincapie en lo que se aprende de los comportamientos observables, parecen crear una base para las teorias mas complejas encontradas en la teoria cognitiva social de Bandura, que incorpora las mejores partes de estas teorias en un plan superior para el ajuste conductual. Un debate que sigue generando controversia en muchas disciplinas cientificas es el tema de la herencia y la influencia que la genetica tiene sobre el caracter general de un ser humano. Tanto la comunidad cientifica como el ciudadano medio estan intrigados en cuanto a que determinantes determinan el caracter personal asi como el comportamiento individual. Hay varios factores que afectan el destino de un individuo ya traves de diversos estudios, explicaciones y modelos teoricos se hace muy evidente que un factor aislable es casi imposible de distinguir. Algunos teoricos argumentan que los fundamentos de la agresion son biologicos. Los factores biologicos que influyen en el comportamiento agresivo son las hormonas, las enfermedades fisiologicas y el temperamento. Las hormonas juegan un papel indirecto en la agresion humana. La interaccion con estimulos externos puede afectar el umbral del comportamiento agresivo. Algunos investigadores han concluido que los altos niveles de testosterona podrian ser el resultado de un comportamiento agresivo. En las mujeres, el sindrome de tension premenstrual se asocia con una serie de comportamientos agresivos, como el delito violento. Las personas con una enfermedad fisiologica

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Complete List Colleges That Require SAT Subject Tests

Complete List Colleges That Require SAT Subject Tests SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Does applying to college make you feel like you're trying to walk through a door but don't yet have the keys? To gain access, first you need to understand exactly what the colleges you're interested in require. This can betricky with the SAT Subject Tests, as different colleges have different policies. We've compiled a comprehensive list of all the colleges that require SAT Subject Tests, along with others that recommend or consider them as part of your application. As policies are continually changing, always double-check with the school about their standardized testing requirements. Let us know in the comments if we need to make any updates! Because our list is comprehensive and definitive, this page is pretty long. Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom to read our tips on which SAT Subject Tests you should take and otherstrategies. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Raise Your SATScore by 160 Points(Free Download) Colleges That Require SAT Subject Tests This chart shows the standardized testing policies for 2017/2018. We've marked four policies towards the Subject Tests: required, recommended, considered, and alternative. Required means you have to take the SAT Subject Tests. In a few cases, as you'll see, colleges will accept the ACT in lieu of the Subject Tests. Some colleges require one subject test, while other colleges (typically those that are more selective) require two. Recommended is a little vague, as it leaves the decision up to you whether or not to send SAT Subject Test scores. If you can achieve high scores or want to make up for a low SAT score, then it's a good idea to send Subject Test scores to these schools. If your scores are low and will look like an outlier on your application, you might be better served not sending them. In most of these cases, though, colleges will likely appreciate that you took on the extra challenge and can demonstrate subject mastery. Considered means that the colleges do not necessarily expect your SAT Subject Test scores, but they will factor them in if you decide to send them. If you have a real interest in a particular subject or it's connected to your future academic and/or professional goals, then it may enhance your application to send a (strong) Subject Test score. Alternative means that colleges have unique policies that may be test flexible. For more on this, check out the full list of test optional and test flexible schools here. Furthermore, some schools accept the ACT + Writing in lieu of the SAT and Subject Tests. In other words, you can submit the SAT + two Subject Tests or the ACT + Writing. We've indicated that in the 3rd column below. We've sorted the list alphabetically for your convenience. Find all yourschools of interest, and scroll down to the end to read our tips on SAT Subject Tests. College Category ACT in Lieu of SAT and Subject Tests? Policy Amherst College Considered Applicants who wish to submit Subject Test results may do so for consideration as part of the application evaluation process. Barnard College Considered Subject tests are not required, but will be considered if submitted. Boston College Considered SAT II Subject Tests are optional. If you would like to highlight a talent in a specific area, you are welcome to submit SAT Subject Tests for consideration with your application. Subject Tests, particularly in foreign languages and the sciences, may be used for placement during the first year. Boston University Considered [Req for Special Programs] Accelerated medical and dental programs require Subject Tests in Chemistry and Math 2. A Subject Test in a foreign language is also recommended for these programs. Bowdoin College Considered [Req forstudents who were homeschooled or attended high schools with no grades] Test Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. Applicants for whom subject tests are required should take Math Level 1 or 2 and a science. Brown University Recommended (2) Liberal Medical Education Applicants should submit at least one Subject Test in either Biology, Chemistry, or Physics Bucknell University Considered Students may submit their SAT Subject Test scores as supplemental information to their application. Bucknell does recommend the test in foreign language for any student planning to enroll in foreign language coursework. California Institute of Technology Required (2) Requires Specific Tests: SAT Subject Test Math Level 2, and one SAT Subject Test in science. Carleton College Considered Applicants may submit the results of their SAT subject tests."We have found these tests valuable aids in the assessment of the quality of student achievement in a wide variety of secondary school programs. It has been our experience that SATsubject test results usually enhance a candidate's credentials and only rarely constitute a negative factor." Carnegie Mellon University Recommended for most programs Two SAT Subject Tests are recommended, in addition to the SAT/ACT, except for the College of Fine Arts. Claremont McKenna Considered Subject Tests are considered if submitted. Homeschooled students are required to submit two SAT Subject Tests, one of which must be math. Colby College Alternative Two SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT. College of the Holy Cross Considered Test Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. Colorado College Alternative Three SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT. The tests must include one quantitative, one writing/verbal, and a third of your choice. Columbia University Considered The SAT Subject Test scores are not required, but Columbia will accept scores from theexams if you choose to submit them. You will not be at a disadvantage should you choose not to take the tests or submit the scores to Columbia. Connecticut College Considered Test Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. Cooper Union Required [Engineering Only] (2) All Engineering applicants must submit two SAT II subject test scores. One must be in Math (Level 1 or 2) and the other must be in either Physics or Chemistry. Architecture and Art applicants are not required to submit SAT II scores. Cornell University Required [Arts and Sciences and Engineering only] Subjects of your choice for Arts and Sciences; math and a science of your choice for Engineering. Dartmouth College Recommended "We recommend that you submit two SAT Subject Test scores to help us better understand your academic strengths. We encourage you to take tests in the two subjects you like the most. If you submit more than two subject test scores, we will look at your two best scores. Alternately, if you do not submit subject test scores, it will not prevent your candidacy from receiving a full review by the Admissions Committee." Davidson College Considered If applicants have taken SAT Subject Tests, Davidson welcomes but does not require those scores. Duke University Recommended Yes For those students who submit the SAT, two subject tests strongly recommended. Emory University Recommended [Req for homeschooled applicants] "SAT II subject exams are encouraged, but not required. Students are encouraged to submit SAT subject exam scores for academics areas of strength and/or interest. Since these exams are not required, students have the choice of which subject exams they want to report. Do note that we request home-schooled applicants submit scores from three SAT II subject exams." Franklin Olin College of Engineering Considered Subject Tests are considered if submitted. George Washington University Considered[Req Special Programs] (2) Two SAT Subject Tests are required in science and mathematics for the Seven Year BA/MD program. Georgetown University Recommended [Strongly] (3) Strongly Recommended: Three SAT Subject Tests. Hamilton College Alternative Three SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT.One must be a verbal or writing/essay test, one must be a quantitative test, and the third is your choice. Harvard College Required (2) Two SAT Subject Tests are Required, in addition to the SAT/ACT, except in special circumstances: "While we normally require two SAT Subject Tests, you may apply without them if the cost of taking the tests represents a financial hardship or if you prefer to have your application considered without them...If your first language is not English, a Subject Test in your first language may be less helpful." Harvey Mudd College Required (2) Two SAT Subject Tests are required. One must be in Math Level 2; the other can be in any subject the student chooses. Ithaca College Considered Test Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. SAT Subject Tests are still considered optional supplements for homeschooled applicants. Johns Hopkins University Considered "Applicants may also choose to submit SAT Subject Tests in one or more areas of interest as a way to demonstrate an academic strength. We will consider the two highest Subject Test scores when reviewing applications, but your application will not be negatively affected if you choose not to submit Subject Test scores." Lafayette College Recommended Subject Tests are recommended to strengthen your application. Lehigh University Recommended SAT Subject Tests are not required for admissions but are recommended as college credit may be awarded for scores of 700 or higher. Macalester College Considered Subject Tests are considered if submitted. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Required (2) Two SAT Subject Tests are Required, in addition to the SAT/ACT. Specific tests required: Math (Level 1 or Level 2) and either Biology, Chemistry, or Physics McGill University Required (2) Yes SAT + two SAT Subject Tests Required , OR ACT with Writing Middlebury College Alternative Three SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT. Mills College Considered [Required for homeschooled applicants] In addition to first-year student requirements, homeschool students will need to submit official results of the GED or the California High School Proficiency Examination and two SAT subject tests New York University Alternative Test requirements satisfied by fulfilling one of the following: SAT (essay not required) ACT (writing not required) Three Subject Tests Three AP exams The International Baccalaureate Diploma Three IB higher-level exams (if a student is not an IB Diploma candidate) Students who choose to submit three SAT Subject Tests, AP or IB scores must submit one in literature or the humanities, one in math or science, and one of the student's choice. Northwestern University Considered "SAT subject tests are optional. Subject exams...allow students to demonstrate their skill level(s) in a particular area. However, subject tests may be from topics outside of your potential major. Prospective students who do not submit SAT subject test results will not be penalized; we recognize that many applicants may not have the opportunity to sign up for the exams." Oberlin College Considered Subject Tests are considered if submitted. Occidental College Considered Subject Tests are considered if submitted. Pomona College Considered [Recommended for homeschooled applicants] SAT Subject Test scores are optional. In addition to the SAT or ACT test results, home-schooled students are encouraged, although not required, to submit results of at least two SAT Subject or Advanced Placement exams Pratt Institute Considered[Req Architecture] Bachelor of Architecture applicants are recommended to take the Math Level 1 or Level 2 Subject Test. Princeton University Recommended(2) "We recommend, but do not require, the submission of two SAT Subject tests. If you intend to pursue a B.S.E. degree, we recommend you take one SAT Subject Test in either physics or chemistry and one SAT Subject Test in mathematics (Level I or II)." Reed College Considered Subject Tests are considered if submitted. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Considered [Req for Special Programs] Yes Applicants to the accelerated programs in law or medicine must submit two SAT Subject Tests (one math and one science). Rice University Required (2) Yes Two SAT Subject Tests in fields related to proposed area of study are required. Smith College Considered SAT II subject tests are optional for all applicants. Stanford University Considered "Stanford requires just one exam- either the SAT with Essay or the ACT with Writing. All other exams are optional. Because additional scores can assist us in our evaluation process, we welcome the self-reporting of these results in your application." Stevens Institute of Technology Considered [Req for Special Programs] Subject Tests in Math (Level 1 or 2) and either Chemistry or Biology are required for the Accelerated Medical Program. Swarthmore College Considered Subject Tests are not required for admission, but will be considered if submitted. Prospective engineers are encouraged to submit the Math 2 Subject Test. Tufts University Required (2) Yes Tufts requires either the SAT (without the optional essay) plus two SAT Subject Tests, or the ACT (the writing section will no longer be required.) Engineering applicants submitting Subject Tests are advised to take math and either physics or chemistry. Students considering a major in mathematics or the sciences are advised to take math and a science test. Union College Considered [Req for Special Programs] Yes Test Optional. Students applying to the Leadership in Medicine programare required to submit one math and one science Subject Test along with the SAT. Alternatively, applicants can submit the ACT in lieu of both SAT and Subject Tests. University of California, Berkeley Recommended Scores from SAT Subject Tests can be used to showcase academic mastery. University of California, Davis Considered SAT Subject Tests are not required and UC Davis will consider submitted SAT Subject Test scores only if they benefit the applicant. University of California, Irvine Recommended Submission of SAT Subject Test scores is not required but may add positively to the review of your application. University of California, Los Angeles Recommended for Some Programs School of Engineering and Applied Sciences recommends Math Level 2 and a science test related to the applicant's intended major. University of California, Merced Considered The SAT Subject Tests are not required. However, you are welcome to submit scores if you would like to: Use Subject Tests to satisfy â€Å"a-g† subject requirements. Show your mastery of a particular subject or set of subjects. University of California, Riverside Recommended for Some Programs UC Riverside does not require SAT Subject Tests, but some academic departments and highly competitive majors recommend them. Applicants should take the Math 2 Subject Test and either Chemistry or Physics if they are interested in Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) or the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS). University of California, San Diego Recommended for Some Programs Biological or physical science applicants and applicants to the School of Engineering should take Math Level 2 and a science Subject Test related to the applicant's intended major. University of California, Santa Barbara Recommended for Some Programs Two SAT Subject Tests closely related to your major are recommended for engineering, biological or physical sciences majors. If taking a math subject test, Math Level 2 is required. University of California, Santa Cruz Considered UCSC does not use the SAT Subject Tests for selection purposes, but you can use SAT Subject Tests to satisfy the "a-g" UC requirements. University of Chicago Considered If you have done exceptionally well on a particular subject test and would like to show us, feel free to send us that score. University of Georgia Recommended Subject Tests are recommended to strengthen your application. University of Miami Considered [Req for Special Programs] Honors Program in Medicine and Honors Program in Biochemistry Molecular Biology require minimum scores of 600 on a math Subject Test and on a science Subject Test. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Considered You may submit supplemental scores from AP, IB or SAT Subject tests if you think they are a good reflection of your mastery of the material. University of Notre Dame Considered SAT Subject Tests, AP, and IB tests are only used in the application process if scores enhance an application. University of Pennsylvania Considered SAT Subject Tests are recommended but not required. Applicants who do not take SAT Subject Tests will not be at a disadvantage in the admissions process. Penn recommends any two subject tests to Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciencesapplicants; Science (preferably Chemistry) for Nursing applicants; Math Level 2 and a science test (preferably physics for Engineering students) to STEM applicants; and Math Level 2 to Business applicants. University of Rochester Alternative Two SAT Subject Tests can be substituted in place of either the SAT or ACT. University of Southern California Optional [Req for homeschooled students] "We require SAT Subject tests only from first-year applicants who do not attend a regionally accredited high school (such as home school, some non-accredited parochial or community based programs, even some newer schools). These students must submit three SAT Subject exams, including one in mathematics, in addition to the SAT or ACT. For all other applicants, these exams are optional." University of Virginia Considered Subject Tests are considered if submitted. Vanderbilt University Considered Subject Tests are considered if submitted. Vassar College Considered SAT Subject Tests are not required, and students opting not to send Subject Tests will not be penalized. However, SAT Subject Tests will be considered if submitted as part of a testing profile. Subject Tests may enhance an applicant’s credentials, particularly for applicants from non-traditional school backgrounds (homeschooled, non-graded schools, etc.). Note that a strong score on an SAT Subject Test is also one way to fulfill Vassar’s Foreign Language Proficiency requirement. Wake Forest University Considered Test Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. Subject Test Scores may be self-reported. Washington and Lee University Considered Subject Tests are considered if submitted. Washington University in St. Louis Considered "We will only consider them if they strengthen your application." Webb Institute Required (2) Two SAT Subject Tests are Required, in addition to the SAT/ACT. Specific tests required: Math Level 1 or 2 and Chemistry or Physics. Wellesley College Considered Some candidates may wish to provide additional testing to demonstrate particular academic strengths. Wesleyan University Considered [Req for some students] Test Optional for US and Canadian students. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. Candidates applying from secondary schools that provide written evaluations in place of traditional grades or students who have been homeschooled, attend online high schools, or who are enrolled in other non-traditional secondary school programs are required to submit ACT results or the SAT and two or more SAT Subject Tests. Worcester Polytechnic Institute Considered Test Optional. SAT, ACT, and SAT Subject Tests are all optional, but will be considered if submitted. Yale University Recommended "SAT Subject Tests are recommended but not required. Applicants who do not take SAT Subject Tests will not be disadvantaged in the application process. We will consider your application on the basis of the other testing, and all the other information, that we receive with your application. You may wish to consider whether there are particular areas of academic strength you would like to demonstrate to the Admissions Committee. Subject Tests can be one way to convey that strength. " Other Schools that Require or Recommend SAT Subject Tests College Board also suggests that the following additional schools use SAT Subject Tests when they determine admission. If you're interested in any of these schools, look up their website or give them a call to find out if they're schools that require SAT Subject Tests or simply consider them for admission. Agnes Scott College Cleary University Kennesaw State University Queens College (City University of New York) Thomas University University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Albertus Magnus College Drew University Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Randolph-Macon College Trinity Christian College University of Puerto Rico at Ponce Alderson-Broaddus College Eastern Nazarene College Lamar University Savannah State University Trinity College University of Puerto Rico at Utuado American Baptist College Eckerd College Marietta College Seattle Pacific University Union University University of the Pacific American University of Puerto Rico Eugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts Massachusetts Maritime Academy Shimer College University of Central Oklahoma University of Waterloo Arizona State University Felician College Medgar Evers College (City University of New York) Simpson University University of Delaware University of West Florida Armstrong Atlantic State University Fordham University Mercyhurst University Skidmore College University of Great Falls Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology Baptist University of the Americas Friends University Meredith College Soka University of America University of Maine at Fort Kent Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Bryn Mawr College George Mason University Missouri Southern State University South Carolina State University University of Mary Washington Wagner College Buffalo State College Georgia College and State University Moody Bible Institute Southern Methodist University University of Massachusetts Boston Warner Pacific College California Baptist University Gettysburg College Morgan State University Southern Oregon University University of Michigan Washington Jefferson College Carroll College Grace Bible College Mount Holyoke College St. Bonaventure University University of Nebraska - Kearney Webb Institute Catholic University of America Haverford College North Carolina State University St. Joseph's College - Long Island Campus University of North Dakota West Virginia Wesleyan College Champlain College Hellenic College Northern Arizona University St. Lawrence University University of North Georgia Whittier College Chapman University Hillsdale College Northwood University State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry University of Oregon Whitworth University Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Hofstra University Ohio Valley University State University of New York Institute of Technology University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla Williams College Clarkson University Huston-Tillotson University Oregon State University Stillman College University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo Clayton State University Indiana University Bloomington Principia College Texas AM University - Galveston University of Puerto Rico at Humacao You'll have to check with the individual schools to see if they have a preference for exactly which subject tests you take. Some engineering and technical schools, for example, prefer that you take math and science Subject Tests. MIT and Caltech both require one math and one science, with CalTech only accepting the Math Level 2 Subject Test. Selective liberals arts schools tend to prefer a wide range of academic strengths and interests, so your best bet might be pairing a Subject Test in the humanities, like Literature or History, with one in math or science. Scoring high on a language test is also a valuable asset to add to your application, as colleges appreciate students with language skills and global competencies as they build their multicultural student body. Now that you have a sense of the SAT Subject Test requirements, what are your next steps? SAT Subject Tests: Final Thoughts As with all parts of your application, make sure you're aware of all the requirements, recommendations, and best approaches. Especially since policies are becoming more and more flexible, always double check with your school of interest to make sure you understand what they want. If you are applying to a test flexible school, you may be able to present your highest score through AP tests or the SAT Subject Tests. Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses, take some practice tests, and get a sense of where you will perform best. SAT Subject Tests may seem daunting, but they're actually closely aligned with the exams you take in class. If you're particularly interested in studying the natural world, reading and analyzing literature, solving geometry, or communicating in another language, then they might present a great opportunity for you to highlight your strengths and your own unique passions and interests. What's Next? Click here to see the full list of SAT Subject Tests and learn how to choose which tests are best for you. Another important consideration is when to take the Subject Tests, especially since you might also be taking the SAT, ACT, AP exams, and finals. This article tells you all the dates on which the various Subject Tests are offered and offers some advice on your most effective schedule. Are you also taking the SAT? The SAT requires a lot of prep to score well, and first you have to figure out when to make time to prep in your busy schedule. Read all about when you should begin to study so you can maximize your scores. Need a little extra help prepping for your Subject Tests? We have the industry's leading SAT Subject Test prep programs (for all non-language Subject Tests). Built by Harvard grads and SAT Subject Test full or 99th %ile scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Learn more about our Subject Test products below:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Consumer Behaviour - Report (3000 words) Lab Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Consumer Behaviour - (3000 words) - Lab Report Example will be followed by the meaning of brands and a few essential concepts relating to brands like brand awareness, perceived brand quality, brand association and brand loyalty. This will be followed with a discussion of the concept of brand personalities. These will form a basis for the second half of the paper. The second half of the paper has been based on three advertisements that have been chosen. The three charities that have been selected for discussion are a) Fred Hollows Organisation, b) Boys to men organisation and c) Melbourne Community foundation. The main reason for choice is due to the varying personality and the varying range of marketing efforts by each of these organisations. The not – for - profit – sector or the community sector, or charity sector is also referred to as the Philanthropic practice. This sector generally contains organizations which work with a purpose to help the society without the generation of profits or gain for any individual members or directors. The government is generally never referred to as a part of this sector, however, the government hospitals, universities and museums do fall into this category as well. The Australian markets have recorded over 70,000 such not – for – profit organizations and the organizations deal with a range of activities like environment conservation, charities to provide assistance to needy and disadvantaged, special schools, public hospitals, and many more. It is essential to note that organization that are altruistic entities and have been recognized and endorsed by the Australian Taxation Office alone are legal charities. These mainly deal with the care for people who are sick; disabled promote religion, provide educational scholarships, or even help after any disaster has struck. In simple terms they are the ones which work for the benefit of the community as a whole. â€Å"Philanthropy is a desire to improve the welfare of humanity through the giving of money, time, information, goods

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategic management Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Strategic management - Case Study Example Joe’s has been the best option for many people because recent trends indicate people opting to purchase groceries from grocery stores rather than supermarkets. Over the years, Joe’s traders have managed to create a great customer relations who have come to trust the chain store with all their consumer needs. Also, the chain store has specialized in the area that was vacant, and it is feeling the gap. Joe’s store should, therefore, be slow and steady in its growth so as maintain quality at the same time. The company has followed the strategy clock by first offering goods at low prices, being a store selling both drugs and groceries at the same time then introducing new items such Hawaiian shirts. The next step is focused differentiation. The company is highly sustainable since it addresses issues at the market at the same time evading threats. Since the enterprise is the best ranked, it certainly meets the demands of its consumers. The management tactic is certainly feasible since it has only a few adjustments need to be

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Majority Opinion Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Majority Opinion - Case Study Example Since there was no evidence to the effect that students were required to profess the religious views presented in the books, then the plaintiffs, in this case, had no good basis of claiming that the requirement to read from the books amounted to the violation of the constitutional rights of the students and their parents. The basis that would well serve to make the requirement unconstitutional is if the students were compelled to do something that is against their religious belief, such as profess the religious views presented by the books (Shelly, 1994). The students were not required by any means to affirm the religious views presented or even practice such views. There was an assumption on the sides of the plaintiff that having the religious vies which was in contrast to their own belief presented in the form of poetry or fiction, entitled the children to believe in them. To indicate lack of consistency in the arguments presented by the plaintiff, one of them, Mrs. Frost held that it was all right to have their children taught other religions and philosophies, as long as such teachings did not undermine her religious beliefs, or the children had to be instructed on the error of the other religion (Fish, 1999). This serves to show that the plaintiffs believed their religion was the only one acceptable and thus, could be taught without the indication of its errors, while the other religions and philosophies had to underline this fact. This is an erroneous view of the intentions of the education system, in that it seeks to create wider knowledge, and thus cannot be limited to one religion. Another major aspect that offers support for the majority opinion by chief judge Lively is the fact that there appears an observed tendency of the plaintiff to interpret virtually everything theologically (Suber, 1987). Mrs. Frost holds that everything has to be interpreted in the Biblical perspective, arguing that there is no possible way, in which issues such as evolution a nd telepathy could be taught, without violating her religious beliefs.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Relationship between organisations structure and culture

Relationship between organisations structure and culture Organizations rely on nonfigurative conceptions, to make significance systematically of our experience and observations of people doing things together. Organizational life can be explained, understood, predicted, and influenced, with non-figurative ideas about structure and culture. 3.1.1 Contrast different organisational structures and culture While there is no general agreement or uniformity of structural and cultural aspects of community organizations, grassroots organizers have some common tradition and perceptive. Organizations structural characters are strict, nonflexible, created and preserved by documentation, and contingency centred. The structure is taken on officially, on the basis of known rules and events. It decide how the organization is made-up to operate and for what reasons. The cultural definitions of people, situation, events, information, objects, facts, procedure are essential for organizational choices and movement. The common properties of structure and culture are: Contingency-cantered Ideology-cantered Cultural Features Structural Features Documented Word-of-mouth Formal Informal Fixed Flexible It is impossible to do split structure and culture, in practice. So organizational structure spells out the place to be occupied by members of an organization and culture defines the task to go with those place and the kinds of people. 3.1.2 Relationship between an organisations structure and culture and the effects on business performance Structure The basic objects of organizational structure are the books constitutions and bylaws. These books begin with the broad aims and principles of the organization and they reflect the central values and interests of the membership, constituency, or clientele. Structural definition also describes the organizations resource base. A lot of organizations normally define their curriculum of membership in bylaws. Some of them even state the amount of annual dues for each. The books describe formal offices or positions in the organization. Not always same as labour branches, as stating who does what. Tax-exemption options may also be written. Decision-making activities are planned in structural documentation. The common types of organizational choices are: structural, management, policy, adjudication, and supervision. Constitutions and Bylaws state the actors and way to alter in the structure itself. The total membership, annual assembly or congress, is exclusively authorized to change the basic structure. Policy matters are typically left to leadership bodies meeting more frequently. And management is often delegated to staff. Culture Cultural aspects are those that evolve in discussion and are in fluctuation, constantly modifying. Many cases organizational culture describes what things signify, whether good or bad, right or wrong, and how to accomplish them when cant be set-up by formal process. The culture encourages effective philosophy for possibility in the organizations daily work done. Comparing with basic principles, its the fleeting operational philosophy fashioned, shaped, and broadcasted in common knowledge and conversation about that understanding that tells a corporate flack catcher. The culture progresses the organization forward when it fixes the jobs and the category of labour. Culture shows some other crucial and equivalent role by reflecting experiences in the past and keeping away from occurring again of emergency. For example, when an organization learnt about relying on a sole leader to broker of its inner interest. Likewise, relying totally on one source of money doesnt continue long life. Culture can be felt more in its definition of roles than other way. Culture defines how people visualize of the causes and ways for actions. Leaders under the grasp of organizational culture are informed that, they may take decision, appropriating the managerial authority of the membership wrong. Also, staff appreciation to act follows from a thoughtful of a spoken organizing model, another surface of the organizations culture. 3.1.3 Influence of individual behaviour at work Issues that influence individual behaviour at work are: 1) The approaches potentials of management and positive or negative foundation in a work place salary, inducement, raises, appreciation, gratitude of staff and so forth 2) The Spirits of the setting comprises the approaches of lower management and employees altogether. 3) The setting of the work place outlooks, niceness, cleanness, pleasantness etc. 4) The complete achievement of the business a winning business tends to be more positive, fruitful and vice versa 5) The moral and business exercise principles of the governing partners, managers or owners are introductory of the behaviour in a work place. 3.2 Different approaches to management and leadership Earlier, leadership was meant the work done by people at the top of the organization and that management was meant the work done by all in the middle of the organization. Yet, this positional view does not need to be that way. Management and leadership are both essential components of a winning organization. The differences between leadership and management A baton sets the administration in any organization. He consistently imagines the approaching of the alignment and evangelise that position. Administration is advertent the anticipation and arch area to go. Management concentrates on befitting the aggregation beeline and affective in its announcement direction. Its not about acrimonious a point on the border and activity there. Administration is about acute advance appear the atom on the horizon. Great organizations apprehend that actuality acceptable at alone one of these two roles is a abundant accomplishment in itself, but a being who excels at both administration and administration is actual difficult, if not impossible, to find. Thats why best organizations accept an abstracted arch controlling administrator and an arch operations officer. The arch-controlling administrator is the baton of the organization, amenable for charting a course. The arch operations administrator is the administrator amenable for authoritative abiding that the address follows the charted course. They assignment calm to accomplish the alignment as able as possible. The formula for success Leaders are generally the agog individuals who will bawl bang scream article that managers acquisition detestable. When gluttonous out the baton that you crave to abutment your adeptness to manage, attending for the actuality best arduous to control. That actuality has abeyant as a leader. An alignment needs to amalgamate an archetypal of the leadership/management aggregate if it wishes to be absolutely acceptable. If youre in the position to appoint somebody, youll crave to attending for commutual skills. If youre an accustomed baton youll crave to appoint somebody with able administration skills. Similarly, if youre abundant at managing things youll crave to accomplish abiding that you accommodate leaders in the alignment so that youve an antecedent for the administration youll require. Yet, hiring these abilities is an affluence that few managers can afford. Instead, accede how to analyse animate these abilities in the bodies you already accept alive with you. In best cases, youll charge to try on your analogue for admeasurements afore announcement to them what youre doing. Youll charge to alpha by allurement your analogue applicant questions authoritative requests, which advance them in to bushing the role afterwards advertisement the admirable vision. If youre attractive for a manager, the ideal applicant to tap is one who brand method; this actuality arrives accompanying anniversary day leaves simultaneously. Individuals who are regimented in what they do are usually abundant at administration because theyre admirable at active the aforementioned ascendancy processes day in day out. You may additionally ascertain an administrator applicant in the one that is the best organized. The actuality doesnt charge be bedevilled with actuality neat; yet, there consistently appears to be alignment to what theyre doing. They seek to organize, classify, accomplish anatomy for aggregate they do. Once youre adequate with your accommodation and the analogue that youve selected, its time to let them in on the admirable planafter all you dont charge her to leave afterwards youve gotten to depend on her for article important. Youll charge to characterize that shes an important allotment of arch and managing your department. This may beggarly advertisement to her your limitations but its acceptable capital to let her accept what youre saying. Chances are that if youve followed the aloft address youve begin addition aural your alignment to be your counterpart. That has in it an inherent challenge. As bodies they tend to value, respect, and accept the account of the things were nice at. A baton will admit nice administration and an administrator will admit nice management. Yet, in adjustment to accumulate the antithesis it will be important to apprentice to account the attributes that your analogue brings. On the surface, this seems simple but it may be the best difficult allotment of accumulation both administration and administration in your organization. If youre a leader, youll be tempted to plough advanced afterwards activity analysis meetings, milestones, and activity account reviews. But these are the things that an administrator needs to manage. Similarly, as an administrator you may not accept half-day affairs to altercate strategy. 3.2.1 Principles and practices of organising and of management Whenever bodies collaborate in organizations, lots of factors appear into play. Avant-garde authoritative studies try to accept archetypal these factors. Like all modernist amusing sciences, authoritative studies seek to control, predict, report. There is some altercation over the belief of authoritative workers behaviour, as able-bodied as the address in which workers are treated. As such, authoritative behaviour or OB (and its cousin, Industrial psychology) has sometimes been accused of actuality the accurate apparatus of the powerful. Those accusations notwithstanding, OB can comedy an above role in authoritative development, acceptable authoritative performance, as able-bodied as alone accumulation performance/satisfaction/commitment. Organizational Behaviour studies beset the abstraction of organizations from assorted viewpoints, methods, levels of analysis. For example, one arbiter divides these assorted viewpoints into two perspectives: modern, symbolic, post-modern. Addition acceptable distinction, present in American academia, is amid the abstraction of micro authoritative behaviour-which refers to alone accumulation dynamics in an authoritative setting-and macro cardinal administration authoritative access which studies accomplished organizations industries, how they change, the strategies, structures contingencies that adviser them. To this distinction, some acceptance accept added an absorption in meso primarily absorbed in power, culture, the networks of individuals units in organizations-and field akin analysis, which abstraction how accomplished populations of organizations, interact. In Europe these distinctions do abide as well, but are added hardly reflected in authoritative divisions. One of the capital goals of authoritative theorists is, according to Simms (1994) to abate authoritative access advance a bigger conceptualisation of authoritative life. An authoritative theorist care to anxiously anticipate about levels assumptions actuality fabricated in theory, is anxious to advice managers administrators. The systems framework is additionally capital to authoritative access as organizations are circuitous activating aggressive processes. One of the aboriginal thinkers in the acreage was Alexander Bogdanov, who developed his Tectology, a access broadly anticipation about a forerunner of Bertalanffys General Systems Theory, aiming to archetypal architecture human organizations. Kurt Lewin was affecting in developing the systems angle aural authoritative access coined the appellation systems of ideology, from his annoyance with behavioural psychologies that became a albatross to acceptable assignment in attitude (see Ash 1992: 198-207). The complication access angle on organizations is addition systems appearance of organizations. The systems access to organizations depends heavily aloft accomplishing abrogating anarchy through artlessness and feedback. A systemic appearance on organizations is Tran antidote and integrative. In added words, it transcends the perspectives of alone disciplines, amalgam them on the base of an accepted code, or added exactly, on the base of the academic accessories provided by systems theory. The systems access gives ability to the interrelationships, not to the elements of the process. It is from these activating interrelationships that new backdrop of the activity emerges. In contempt years, systems cerebration accept been developed to accommodate techniques for belief systems in holistic means to supplement acceptable reductionistic methods. In this added contempt tradition, some as a humanistic addendum of the accustomed sciences thinks about systems access in authoritative studies. Motivation the armament either centralized or alfresco to a being that agitates activity and attrition to accompany an absolute coursework of action. According to Baron et al. (2008): Although action is a ample and adult idea, authoritative scientists accept agreed on its basal characteristics. Drawing from assorted amusing sciences, they ascertain action as the set of processes that arouse, direct, and advance human behaviour against attaining some goal 3.2.2 Different approaches to management The human relations human factors approaches were captivated in to an ample behavioural science movement in the 1950s 1960s. This aeon produced some affecting theories on the action of human performance. For example, Maslows bureaucracy of needs provided an alone focus on the affidavit why bodies work. They argued that bodies annoyed an ascendance alternation of needs from survival, through aegis to closing self-actualisation. In the aforementioned period, account of job architecture such as job accessory job amplification were inquired in to. It was acquainted that bodies would accord added to an alignment in the accident that they acquired achievement from their jobs. Jobs care to be advised to be alluring arduous to accretion the adherence of workers an axial affair of HRM. Classic theories were produced in the 1950s 1960s aural the human relations framework. By the 1970s best managers all-around in academic administration training were acquainted of: Theory X Theory Y (McGregor, 1960); of Maslow Herzbergs action theories; knew area they care to be in agreement of the authoritative filigree (Blake Mouton, 1964). These theorists advocated participative, soft approaches to management. Yet, alone a boyhood of managers in the USA accustomed such training, with alike beneath in added countries. Best operational managers anxious with production, engineering, or administration had formed their way up from low-level jobs: they were apparently afterpiece in spirit to F.W. Taylor than the theorists of the 1950s 1960s. Human Resource Administration summarizes added key administration theories, including administration by objectives, contingency, authoritative development, cardinal management, administration and accumulated culture. Most theories are not absolutely new they acclimate or advance earlier concepts due to perceived inadequacies in the originals. Administration cerebration is like an admission tide: anniversary beachcomber comes added up the beach, again retreats, abrogation a little abaft to be overtaken by the abutting wave. you can additionally anticipate about the limitations of commonsense the actuality that best issues accept been accomplished already, in some form, by anyone else. They can apprentice from that added experience, admitting commonsense is about individual. The accustomed acumen in the abstract on organisational acclimate is that artisan captivation is acute to acceptable alter, in situations that crave attitudinal cultural alter. Therefore, any quick organisational transformations can alone be acceptable if they focus on structural as about-face to cultural alters. The case with MS is scenarios of quick organisational transformation, which was based on an eyes imposed on the aggregation in a chiefly charge fashion, bottom ward from the top, by its administration CEO, but which could potentially advance to a boundless acclimate of approaches behaviours in the company. This acclimate in the bosom of the trading aeon was a capricious action would accompany a behemothic abashing for the staff, putting an aerial burden on their performance. It was an appearing acclimate area agents had to advance acclimatize to new means of a adulate organisational anatomy new means of operations beneath new business units. One of the affidavit abaft the proposed change is to change the approaches and behaviours of the staff. Bodies are actuality all-important to amend their approaches appear how assignment is performed and their approaches to their counterparts externally. Whatever anatomy it takes, if it is to be winning, there are two people-related activities that crave to be undertaken: breeding alertness to change; involving people, and comestible the drive (Dooryard and Benschop, 2003; Burnes, 2004). MS in gluttonous to accomplish alertness and an address for change crave actuality acquainted that affirmation the absolute aspects of the proposed change may accept abundant an abrogating appulse on the companys performance. Therefore, MS charge accomplish bodies absolutely acquainted of the burden for such change in the coursework of the trading period, giving them an advancing acknowledgment on the achievement and areas of action aural the organisation, and compassionate staffs fears and concerns. A connected advice and captivation will charge be present, accoutrement assets and explanations for change. Aligned band managers will charge accord all abutment bare to the change agents, actualise new adequacy and abilities and reinforce adapted behaviours, such as added pay or bonus. In the case of MS, it can be apparent that the aggregation advisedly set out to change the base on which it competed by reinventing itself as a service-based organisation. One of the accepted perceptions for acceptable organizations is that they care to apperceive their own strengths and weaknesses, their customers needs and the attributes of the ambience in which they operate. Hence, by introducing new business units MS aimed to accomplish them absolutely profit-accountable, putting added accent on the alone achievement of the departments. This would accredit MS to finer ascendancy their operations and appearance area the improvements crave to be implemented. Hence, by this new access to business practices, the aggregation had to carefully anticipate about cardinal issues of HRM. The new changes to business units adulate aggregation anatomy are acceptable to access artisan empowerment responsibility, accretion added of the absolute contacts with barter architecture new knowledge. Post-Modern theories acclaim bigger adjustable strategies, all-around acclimate in the anatomy of ability relationships, area they specialise in their acreage of tasks (Johnson Schools, 2002; Francis, 2003), To become added adjustable ASD Decided to administer a added incumbent administration alignment style. Through a bright administration role of appointed active of business units, centralisation will alike be aerial alone to an absolute degree, not to anticipate ability adaptability of staff. Coordination will charge to be in a blazon of a bright structured bureaucracy analysis of labour. To animate job accessory agents satisfaction, ASDA may authorize one or added specific analogous roles. Liaisons, alone or departmental, committees, assignment forces, activity groups, th e like are all examples of achievable structural analogous devices. Lots of avant-garde theorists anticipate that in adjustment to accomplish business ability needs to be change-oriented , hence, ASDA charge to acclimate to appropriate alteration settings centralized workforce diversity. 3.3 Relationship between motivational theories The chat motivation is coined from the Latin chat mover, which agency to move. Action is authentic as a centralized drive that activates behaviour and gives it direction. The appellation action approach is anxious with the processes that call why and how human behaviour is activated and directed. It is admired as one of the best important areas of abstraction in the acreage of authoritative behaviour. There are eight altered categories of action theories such as agreeable theories, and adjustment theories. Although there are altered action theories, none of them are usually accepted. 3.3.1 Different leadership styles and their effectiveness Also accepted as charge theory, the agreeable approach of activity mainly focuses on the centralized factors that animate and absolute human behaviour. Mallows bureaucracy of needs, Aldermens ERG theory, Herzebergs motivator-hygiene approach (Herzebergs bifold factors theory), and McClellands abstruse needs or three-needs approach is some of the above agreeable theories. Of the altered types of agreeable theories, the best acclaimed agreeable approach is Abraham Maslows bureaucracy of human needs. Maslow alien bristles levels of basal needs through his theory. Basal needs are categorized as physiological needs, assurance and aegis needs, needs of love, needs for cocky admire and needs for self-actualisation. Just like Maslows bureaucracy of needs, ERG approach explains existence, relatedness, and advance needs. Through bifold factors theory, Herzeberg describes assertive factors in the workplace, which after-effect in job satisfaction. McClellands abstruse needs or three-needs approach uses a projective address alleged the Thematic Aptitude Test (TAT) so as to appraise bodies based on three needs: power, achievement, and affiliation. Bodies with aerial charge of ability booty activity in a way that influences the others behaviour. 3.3.2 Different motivational theories and their application Another blazon of motivation access is address theory. Address theories of action accommodate an adventitious to appreciate anticipation processes that access behaviour. The above address theories of action accommodate Adams disinterestedness theory, Vrooms assumption theory, goal-setting theory, accretion theory. Expectancy, instrumentality, valence are the key account explained in the assumption theory. Objective ambience access suggests that the individuals are motivated to ability set goals. It additionally requires that the set goals be specific. Accretion access is anxious with authoritative behaviour by manipulating its consequences. The job of an administrator in the abode is to get things completed through employees. To do this administrator care to be able to actuate employees. But thats not as adamantine said than completed! Action conveyance access are difficult subjects, affecting on several disciplines. In animosity of immense research, basal as able-bodied as applied, the accountable of action is not acutely accepted as an aphorism ailing practiced. To appreciate action one charge appreciates human attributes itself. There lies the problem! Human attributes can be actual simple, yet actual circuitous too. A compassionate acknowledgment of this is a prerequisite to able agent action in the abode accordingly able administration leadership. Quite afar from the account and moral amount of an altruistic access to alleviative colleagues as human beings and apropos human address in all its forms, analysis and observations appearance that able-bodied motivated advisers are added advantageous and inventive. The changed additionally holds true. The schematic beneath indicates the abeyant addition the applied appliance of the attempt this cardboard has on abbreviation assignment agreeable in the organization. 3.3.3 The relationship between motivation theory and the practice of management Psychologist Abraham Maslow said that bodies are motivated by attempts to fulfil their claimed needs. Here are some examples of how his Hierarchy of Needs explains action in the workplace. Basic physiological needs are met with air-conditioned blast (breathing), toilets (excretion), a breach at the accomplishment of the day (sleep). Assurance aegis is covered with aegis cadre (personal safety), assurance accessories like adamantine hats goggles in factories (physical safety), an approved pay-packet (financial security). Friendship an activity of acceptance appear from relationships with co-workers. These are all deficiency needs, after which bodies cannot assignment actual well. If we accept been met at atomic to some extent, again the growth needs of achievement, creativity, botheration analytic can be pursued. Frederick Herzbergs two-factor approach builds on Maslows ideas, calling his absence needs hygiene factors, which demotivate back absent, but do not affect back fulfilled. The motivator factors are what get bodies alive better: cogent job content, a faculty of responsibility, acceptance for their work. Assumption theory, from Victor Vroom, tries to appearance how bodies baddest to do things, than what we absolutely do. Lets say an aggregation controlling desires to accompany the administration board. The affability of this after-effect for him, or valence, is actual high. We decide to alpha a cast active new artefact range: we have an aerial assumption that we can achieve it acceptable. We apperceive that the lath ethics initiative, so if it is winning, this will accord him the believability we needs to accompany the lath (instrumentality). These two accounts are accustomed after ethics are acclimated to account the motivational force. Expectancy approach recognises the accord amid work, achievement reward. Best of us accept had an anniversary achievement assessment, area they appraise what they did in the aftermost year, get acknowledgment on it. They again set goals for the abutting twelve months. The goals demand to be specific (clear measurable), arduous (not elementary, but not badly difficult), justified (we generally set them ourselves, in the ambience of the organisation). This comes beeline from Edwin Lockes goal-setting theory. Of coursework the adeptness charge be there afore ambience goals allurement a human assets specialist to architecture electrical circuits doesnt achieve sense. Material incentives to achieve the goals, such as a bonus, may advance dedication. Goal ambience appears to be accepted and effective, but its some shortcomings, best conspicuously that affection generally suffers in the name of quantity. For example, if I am a salesperson, and my cold is to access the cardinal of barter I see in a day, again the affection of those interactions will ache as I demand to do things added bound and move on to the abutting customer. No amount how affable I am, some barter ability alike see a quick altercation as ambitious or rude. 3.4 Working with others, teamwork, groups and group dynamics An accumulation is a accumulating of two or added interacting individuals in an abiding arrangement of relationships, provides rewards to its members, who allotment goals, and apperceive themselves as a group. Group characteristics: Â · Two or added bodies in amusing interaction. Â · Rewards to members. Â · Stable structure. Â · Members allotment accepted interests or goals. Â · Individuals charge apperceives themselves as a group. Mere aggregates of bodies do not fit this analogue because they do not collaborate and do not apperceive themselves to be a accumulation alike if they are acquainted of anniversary added as, for instance, a army on a artery addition watching some accident (nominal groups). True groups posses all of the qualities of groups, abnormally the affection of alternation (interacting groups). Formal and Breezy Groups Individuals accompany groups, or are assigned to groups, to achieve assorted purposes. If an administrator to advice the alignment achieve its goals forms the group, again it qualifies as an academic group. Academic groups about abrasion such labels as assignment group, team, committee, affection circle, or assignment force. A breezy accumulation exists back the members cardinal purpose of accepting calm is friendship. Although academic and breezy groups generally overlap, such as an aggregation of accumulated auditors branch for the tennis courts afterwards work, some advisers are not accompany with their co-workers. 3.4.1 the nature of groups and group behaviour within organisations Its important to admit what bodys accord to your assignment efforts. Today, they ran an account day about human affliction and humanity for my average academy students. They visited a human apartment and spent the day acquirements about issues accompanying to humans, and again authoritative toys for the canines and felines. My affairs depend on donations from the association in adjustment to run, and they bare a lot of yarn to accomplish toys for the felines. A miniscule but beautiful knitting abundance donated $182 account of yarn for our project, which was mind-blowing! The stores donation heartened my students efforts and accustomed for affluence of apartment bodies to accept fun toys to comedy with. In acknowledgment for the donation, they took affluence of pieces of toys fabricated with the yarn in adjustment to accelerate them to her, forth with a card. Theres several practices of leadership: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the technique, Enable Others to Act, Animate the Heart. Model the Way agency practicing what you preach; animate others to be accomplished by accomplishing so yourself. Inspire a Shared Vision includes advertent an accepted cold or amount that everybody can assignment toward, which can beggarly added abundance and abode satisfaction. Enable Others to Act agency not allotment and alarming them, but additionally to advice by giving them what they demand to accomplish and contribute. Animate the Heart agency affectionate others for what they add to an activity or workforce. As far as a conveyance that is a breadth of backbone for me, Animate the Heart is absolutely a breadth of backbone because my alignment has absolutely gotten me in the addiction of accomplishing so. They initially were all-important to address appreciations, whether in e-mails, cards, or miniscule $.25 of paper. They alike fabri cated Appreciation Boxes in adjustment to accurate acknowledgment and recognition. It became a habit, and now I am affectionate body on an approved basis. Its simple to do and its an actual absolute thing. Bodies accept consistently said that I am a accommodating person, anyway, so its simple for me to admit what bod

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Computer Technician :: essays research papers

Computer Technician I Believe a Computer Technician is a good career for me because I have been around computers for many years now and enjoy them. I began to learn the basics of computers from my father when I was about 9 years old. Since then I have pretty much taught myself and took off in the computer field. I now have 7 networked computers " linked together ", help run an internet provider and build web pages. About a year ago my Uncle changed jobs and now he is a Computer Technician. I have been working with him and really enjoy it. Five Tasks a Computer Technician May Perform Generally there are five tasks a Computer Technician has to perform such as : conducting research, analyzing systems, monitoring software and hardware, fixing hardware and software and designing computers. Working Conditions The working conditions of a Computer Technician varies. It depends on where and who you are working for. Usually the average working environment is indoors, quiet, temperature controlled and usually alone. Working Schedule The working hours vary as well. Computer Technician's are on call 24 hours 7 days a week due to the fact that most companies computers are running all the time and cannot wait long for their computer to be fixed. Salary The average salary for a Computer Technician is approximately $65,500 per year. To become a Computer Technician you need one or two years of technical training and you must have good math skills Which most technical and vocational schools offer. There are no licensing or exams needed to pass to become a Computer Technician. Certain personal qualities are needed to become a Computer Technician such as good eyesight, good hearing and the ability to work without supervision. Certain skills are needed as well such as how different computers function and work with others. Computer Technician employment opportunities exist now as listed in the want ad's and are going to continue to grow in the future. To become a Computer Technician you might want to pursue business courses,

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Digital Fortress Chapter 30

Alfonso XIII was a small four-star hotel set back from the Puerta de Jerez and surrounded by a thick wrought-iron fence and lilacs. David made his way up the marble stairs. As he reached for the door, it magically opened, and a bellhop ushered him inside. â€Å"Baggage, senor? May I help you?† â€Å"No, thanks. I need to see the concierge.† The bellhop looked hurt, as if something in their two-second encounter had not been satisfactory. â€Å"Por aqui, senor.† He led Becker into the lobby, pointed to the concierge, and hurried off. The lobby was exquisite, small and elegantly appointed. Spain's Golden Age had long since passed, but for a while in the mid-1600s, this small nation had ruled the world. The room was a proud reminder of that era-suits of armor, military etchings, and a display case of gold ingots from the New World. Hovering behind the counter marked conserje was a trim, well-groomed man smiling so eagerly that it appeared he'd waited his entire life to be of assistance. â€Å"En que puedo servirle, senor? How may I serve you?† He spoke with an affected lisp and ran his eyes up and down Becker's body. Becker responded in Spanish. â€Å"I need to speak to Manuel.† The man's well-tanned face smiled even wider. â€Å"Si, si, senor. I am Manuel. What is it you desire?† â€Å"Senor Roldan at Escortes Belen told me you would-â€Å" The concierge silenced Becker with a wave and glanced nervously around the lobby. â€Å"Why don't you step over here?† He led Becker to the end of the counter. â€Å"Now,† he continued, practically in a whisper. â€Å"How may I help you?† Becker began again, lowering his voice. â€Å"I need to speak to one of his escorts whom I believe is dining here. Her name is Rocio.† The concierge let out his breath as though overwhelmed. â€Å"Aaah, Rocio-a beautiful creature.† â€Å"I need to see her immediately.† â€Å"But, senor, she is with a client.† Becker nodded apologetically. â€Å"It's important.† A matter of national security. The concierge shook his head. â€Å"Impossible. Perhaps if you left a-† â€Å"It will only take a moment. Is she in the dining room?† The concierge shook his head. â€Å"Our dining room closed half an hour ago. I'm afraid Rocio and her guest have retired for the evening. If you'd like to leave me a message, I can give it to her in the morning.† He motioned to the bank of numbered message boxes behind him. â€Å"If I could just call her room and-â€Å" â€Å"I'm sorry,† the concierge said, his politeness evaporating. â€Å"The Alfonso XIII has strict policies regarding client privacy.† Becker had no intention of waiting ten hours for a fat man and a prostitute to wander down for breakfast. â€Å"I understand,† Becker said. â€Å"Sorry to bother you.† He turned and walked back into the lobby. He strode directly to a cherry roll-top desk that had caught his eye on his way in. It held a generous supply of Alfonso XIII postcards and stationery as well as pens and envelopes. Becker sealed a blank piece of paper in an envelope and wrote one word on the envelope. ROCIO. Then he went back to the concierge. â€Å"I'm sorry to trouble you again,† Becker said approaching sheepishly. â€Å"I'm being a bit of a fool, I know. I was hoping to tell Rocio personally how much I enjoyed our time together the other day. But I'm leaving town tonight. Perhaps I'll just leave her a note after all.† Becker laid the envelope on the counter. The concierge looked down at the envelope and clucked sadly to himself. Another lovesick heterosexual, he thought. What a waste. He looked up and smiled. â€Å"But of course, Mr†¦.?† â€Å"Buisan,† Becker said. â€Å"Miguel Buisan.† â€Å"Of course. I'll be sure Rocio gets this in the morning.† â€Å"Thank you.† Becker smiled and turned to go. The concierge, after discreetly checking out Becker's backside, scooped up the envelope off the counter and turned to the bank of numbered slots on the wall behind him. Just as the man slipped the envelope into one of the slots, Becker spun with one final inquiry. â€Å"Where might I call a taxi?† The concierge turned from the wall of cubbyholes and answered. But Becker did not hear his response. The timing had been perfect. The concierge's hand was just emerging from a box marked Suite 301. Becker thanked the concierge and slowly wandered off looking for the elevator. In and out, he repeated to himself.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Inner Circle English - Definition and Examples

Inner Circle English s The Inner Circle is made up of countries in which English is the first or the dominant language. These countries include Australia, Britain, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, and the United States. Also called the core English-speaking countries. The inner circle is one of the three concentric circles of World English  identified by linguist Braj Kachru in Standards, Codification and Sociolinguistic Realism: The English Language in the Outer Circle (1985). Kachru describes the inner circle as  Ã¢â‚¬Å"the traditional bases of English, dominated by the mother tongue varieties of the language.† The labels inner, outer, and expanding  circles represent the type of spread, the patterns of acquisition, and the functional allocation of the English language in diverse cultural contexts. These labels remain controversial. What is the Inner Circle? Inner circle nations are countries where English is spoken as a first language (mother tongue or L1). They are very often nations to which very large numbers of people migrated from the U.K. For example, the U.S. and Australia are inner circle nations...Whether a country is in the inner, outer, or expanding circle ... has little to do with geography but more to do with history, migration patterns and language policy... [W]hile Kachrus model does not suggest that one variety is better than any other, inner circle nations are, in fact, perceived as having greater ownership over the language, in that they have inherited English as their L1. Even among inner circle nations, not all nations can claim authenticity of the English language. The U.K. is widely perceived as being the origin of the English language and is seen as the authority on what counts as standard English; inner circle nations tend to be regarded as authentic speakers of English (Evans 2005). However, . . . the English us ed even in inner circle nations is not homogenous.  (Annabelle Mooney and Betsy Evans,  Language, Society and Power: An Introduction, 4th ed. Routledge, 2015) Language Norms The most generally held view is that the Inner Circle (eg. UK, US) is norm-providing; this means that English language norms are developed in these countries and spread outwards. The Outer Circle (mainly New Commonwealth countries)   is norm-developing, easily adopting and perhaps developing its own norms. The Expanding Circle (which includes much of the rest of the world) is norm-dependent, because it relies on the standards set by native speakers in the Inner Circle. This is a one-directional flow and learners of English as a foreign language in the Expanding Circle look to the standards set in the Inner and Outer Circles.​  (Mike Gould and Marilyn Rankin,  Cambridge International AS and A Level English Language. Cambridge University Press, 2014)  Ã‚   In the so-called inner circle English is multifunctional, transmitted through the family and maintained by governmental or quasi-governmental agencies (e.g. media, school, etc.), and is the language of the dominant culture. The outer circle contains countries (usually multilingual) colonized by English-speaking powers. English is typically not the language of the home, but transmitted through the school, and has become part of the countrys chief institutions. Norms come officially from the inner circle, but local norms also play a powerful role in dictating everyday usage.  (Suzanne Romaine, Global English: From Island Tongue to World Language. The Handbook of the History of English, ed. by Ans van Kemenade and Bettelou Los. Blackwell, 2006)[W]hile inner circle nations are now well in the minority among users of English, they still exert strong proprietary rights over the language in terms of norms. This applies far more to discourse patterns than to grammatical rules or pronunciat ion norms (the latter varying considerably between the inner circle countries in any case). By discourse patterns, I mean the way spoken and written discourse is organised. In many fields of scholarship, the major international journals are now published entirely in English. . . . At present, English speakers from inner circle countries still hold a great deal of control in terms of assessing contributions and reviewing books in English.  (Hugh Stretton, Australia Fair. UNSW Press, 2005) Problems With the World Englishes Model [W]ith regard to inner circle Englishes in particular, the model ignores the fact that although there is relatively little differentiation between written norms, this is not the case between spoken norms. The model, thus, in its broad categorisation of varieties according to large geographical areas, does not take into account the considerable spoken dialectal variation within each of the varieties identified (e.g., American English, British English, Australian English)...Secondly, a problem exists with the World Englishes model because of its reliance on a fundamental distinction between native speakers of English (i.e., from the inner circle) and non-native speakers of English (i.e., from the outer and expanding circles). There is a problem with this distinction because attempts so far at precise definitions of the terms native speaker (NS) and non-native speaker (NNS) have proved highly controversial ...Thirdly, Singh et al. (1995:284) believe that the labelling of inner circle (o ld) English and outer circle (new) English is overly value-laden since it suggests that older Englishes are more truly English than those historically younger varieties in the outer circle. Such a distinction seems even more problematic because, . . . historically, all varieties of English other than English English are transpalnted.(Robert M. McKenzie,  The Social Psychology of English as a Global Language. Springer, 2010)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

NE and Chessapeake DBQ essays

NE and Chessapeake DBQ essays The victory over the Spanish Armada left England with a window of opportunity to explore the unchartered New World. Many set off to sea in search of a future unknown. As a result of this opportunity, English settlement of the North America became inevitable in the late 1500s and early 1600s. By the 1700s, there were two prominent colonies in the New World, New England, and the Chesapeake Region. Both of the colonies were English in origin, however, the similarities ended there between the two. In fact, the New England and Chesapeake colonies were the opposite of each other for a variety of reasons. By analyzing the reasons for colonization, the colonists actions, leaders and governments, and religious beliefs, the two colonies become two distinct and different societies. The seed of difference between the New England and Chesapeake regions was planted in their respective reasons for settlement and colonization. The Chesapeake region was colonized for economic reasons. The charter for the Chesapeake area was given to the London Company in England by Charles I. The London Company gathered an array of people, consisting of all males either rich or poor. These colonists slowly ventured to the New world in search of profit and gold, an absolute get-rich-quick scheme. (Document F) Eventually, more people were brought over to colonize, but hardly ever women. In a 1635Virginia-bound ship, the ratio of men to women was over 6:1 and no children were on the ships list. (Document C) Nuclear families were not desirable or the intention for the Chesapeake region. On the contrary, the colonists in New England region settled because they were in search of a place to create the perfect religion. Originating from the Netherlands and venturing to New England due to religious repression, the Puritans, as they were called, established their families and lives in the colony. Young...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Healthy food can be unhealthy for your wallet Essay

Healthy food can be unhealthy for your wallet - Essay Example Healthy foods are associated with the desired nutrients by the body. According to Michele Obama, healthy foods constituted of fresh fruits and vegetables in their time. It is as a result of this assertion that greens, as well as fruits, are very expensive today. The farmers, as well as the businessmen, know that these types of foods are in high demand in the market. As a result of this, they hike their prices in order to make a profit. In her speech, Michele also claimed that parents at her time used to cover long distances in search of healthy foods such as lettuce and fresh fruits for their children. From Michele’s assertion, one can deduce that the access to healthy foods is associated with a lot of expenses. For instance, for one to access fruits, he or she has to spend some amount of money as fare to the market. Additionally, the preparation of healthy foods is also very involving; it requires the observance of step by step procedures. It is as a result of such expenses t hat healthy foods are un-pocket friendly today.In the past, majority of the parents had small pieces of farms for fruits and vegetables. The availability of the fruits and vegetables in the backyards not only reduced the proximity of the healthy foods, but also made them very available. Unlike in the past, very few people have backyards for vegetables and fruits today. The rise in population, as well as advancement in technology, has led to the diversion of land use to other practices. It is as a result of this that healthy foods are very scarce in the market.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Media appraisal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Media appraisal - Essay Example By combing these methods the author has an original approach to her research and this makes it very interesting to criticise. The paper shows how the role of popular music in society has been studied traditionally and challenges some classical methodologies while also proposing new ones. It is the combination of these points which makes this article good to study in terms of research methodology analysis. The study is of popular music in the lives of young people. It positions itself with cultural and social studies. Its aim is to approach the study of the role of popular music in a slightly different way from other researchers on this subject. Initially the author states that few studies work directly with the people who use and consumer music. The study therefore aims to change this by asking people directly what their experience of music is, instead of making theories that do not in interact with reality. The author emphasises the need to concentrate on the real experiences which people have, or say they have, in relation to music. Related to this is the aim to explore what the author refers to as the ‘everydayness’ of music. Rather than focusing on the cultural significance of music through issues such as identity construction, the paper aims to explore the possibility that these issues of music consumption are in fact less important than the more mundane and routine uses of music in everyday life, as a background noise whose meanings are irrelevant. She focuses on the ‘fallacy of meaningfulness’, arguing that music doesn’t necessarily have to be significant or used to define a particular group or consumed by a particular ethnic group or social class. The methodology used by the author involves the use of unstructured informal discussions with three groups of GCSE sociology students, around fifteen years old. Three groups of four to five students were involved in one discussion, all on the same day. There were fewer boys than girls in all